First, add "I'm a/an" on your title, then add the rest of the answers on as you do the questions.
Tag 10 people
tag the person who tagged you
What color/kind of socks are you wearing?
[ ] Red = loud
[ ] Green = stupid
[] None = freaky
[ ] Fuzzy = gorgeous
[ ] Yellow = innocent
[ ] Purple = a little too happy
[ ] Black = emo
[ ] Stripes = funny
[ ] Gray = skanky
[ ] Pink = preppy
[ ] Light blue = sweaty
[x] Other = hot
[ ] White = sexy
What kind of pants are you wearing?
[ ]Shorts = cutie
[ ]Skirt/skort = skank
[ ]Corduroy = faggot homosexual
[ ]Tight jeans = scene kid
[ ]Ripped jeans = emo
[ ]Cammo = cage fighter
[ ]Jeans = prep
[ ]Pajamas = pimp
[ ]Cargo = clown
[ ]Sweats = athlete
[ ]Boxers = brat
[ ]Booty shorts = female
[ ]Capris = Gangster
[ ]Nothing = hoe
[ ]Dickies = weirdo
[ ]Bikini bottoms = tiki girl
[x]Other = sex addict
What is your natural hair color?
[ ]Auburn = that every one wants to make out with
[ ]Blonde = with a broken heart
[x]Black = with a sexy smile
[ ]Dark brown = with a hot boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ]Red = that likes to have fun
[ ]Brown = who loves to be different
[ ]Dirty blonde= with a nice ass
[ ]Bald = with herpes
Pick the month you were born on:
[ ]1 = who ate
[ ]2 = who needed
[ ]3 = who killed
[ ]4 = who shot
[ ]5 = who killed
[ ]6 = who smoked with
[ ]7 = who banged
[ ]8 = who ran shirtless with
[x]9 = who got stabbed horribly by
[ ]10 = who cuddled with
[ ]11 = who slept with
[ ]12 = who ran naked with
Pick the day you were born on:
[ ]01 = the kool-aid man
[ ]02 = a dog
[ ]03 = a shoe
[ ]04 = a toothbrush
[ ]05 = Santa Claus
[ ]06 = The Trojan man
[ ]07 = Barney the dinosaur
[ ]08 = a prostitute
[ ]09 = a porn star
[ ]10 = a bag of weed
[ ]11 = my lover
[ ]12 = a glass of milk
[x]13 = a horse
[ ]14 = an orange
[ ]15 = a stripper
[ ]16 = a pickle
[ ]17 = a jew
[ ]18 = a homo
[ ]19 = a lesbian
[ ]20 = my mom
[ ]21 = a homeless guy
[ ]22 = a whore
[ ]23 = my crush
[ ]24 = an easter egg
[ ]25 = a jar of honey
[ ]26 = a condom
[ ]27 = a bowl of cereal
[ ]28 = a french fry
[ ]29 = your dealer
[ ]30 = Paris Hilton
[ ]31 = your grandma
Pick the color of the shirt you are wearing
[ ]White = because I love marijuana
[ ]Black = because I'm sexy as hell
[ ]Pink = Because the lil people told me to
[ ]Blue = because I have AMAZING boobs
[x]Red = because I'm a pimp and you are jealous
[ ]Polka Dots = because I hate my life
[ ]Purple = because I'm gay
[ ]Gray = because I got dared
[ ]Other = because that's how I roll
[ ]Green = because I'm good in bed
[ ]Orange = because I smoke crack
[ ]Turquoise = because I have a noodle in my nose
[ ]Brown = because I had to
[ ]Shirtless = because I've got abs
aku tag
hai semua...lama x memblogkan diri...aku bercuti panjang tanpa notis hehehe suka2 je cuti xde notis...maaf le kawan2 ye...lama cuti sbb apa ek? ntah le xde idea kot...tipu ar xde idea...terlebih vit "M" kot hehehe
dah terlebih vit "M" xleh nak wat apa kan...then ada plak cuti sekolah...aku amik cuti seminggu...balik kampung halaman yang kurindui selalu...lepas je blk cuti...seminggu aku demam x sihat...perubahan cuaca kot...kat kampung syok je sejuk...blk shah alam, panas melampau...penat kenduri (xde la penat mana pun hehehe)...MC ada 3 hari lps blk dr kampung tu...berapa hari je la aku keje dlm cuti sekolah tu...
seminggu lepas naik cuti sekolah...sekolah plak anjurkan kursus kat Pulau Pangkor...3 hari 2 malam berkampung di Pangkor Puteri Resort...tajuk kursus PERASA (pembimbing rakan sekerja)
yang pastinya...aku mmg terlebih vit "M"...tu yang x update atau merayau2 ke blog org :D
di kesempatan ini aku nak minta maaf kalo aku pernah wat kwn2 di siber ni terasa ati dengan aku...aku juga nak berterima kasih pada korang2 yg sudi kwn dengan aku yg x seberapa ni...terima aku seadanya aku...thank you so much! muaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!! sayang korang! :)
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